Monday, March 29, 2010


The GID mini victims are all sold and should be arriving at your homes soon.  Thank you to everyone who picked up a set or 3!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Minivictims Glow Gang

Minivictims Glow Gang
Originally uploaded by monstrehero
These guys are up next, this week perhaps???
Super7 Mysterious Apes sold out super fast, big thanks to everyone who picked one up and of course Super7!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010


If you follow our Flickr page (and you should, because we're way better at updating that than this poor blog), you've seen that we've been posting a bunch of WIPs for our latest special release of the Mysterious Ape. I just wanted to show a bit of my paint isn't anything terribly fancy, but I had my camera sitting there and thought, well why not? You can check out the pics here.

So, where can I get one of these fine simian specimens, you may ask? Why, this Saturday (tomorrow) March 20 at Super7 (online and in-store)! We've done a slightly larger run than normal, so hopefully everyone who wants one can get one. I feel he's a nice compliment to the MISHKA Ape we did last month (pics here), and of course he GLOWS so it's win-win either way!

Monday, March 8, 2010